Filemaker knowledge base
Filemaker knowledge base

Whether your system is on Mac or PC, whether your team members are nervous or hesitant, they'll be able to quickly create personalized tools for your business. It's a crowd-sourced team that is ready to answer questions and help your citizen developers succeed. When you encourage your staff to work on custom apps with FileMaker, you're not only connecting them to a robust platform, but also to an active support group. That sums up the FileMaker community pretty well. This training program has been created by someone who uses the FM platform and is passionate about helping other people learn to use it. Likewise, it has been created by Mark Baum, a senior application developer, but not for FileMaker. One of the first things you might notice about this training is that it's housed on the FileMaker community pages. It provides the rationale for the tasks, gives time estimates for each stage, and supplies sample files to download. This introduction to FM walks through some of the tasks that are most interesting to new developers. Following up on our recent posts about FileMaker as the top-ranked platform for citizen developers, here is one way to get your developers up to speed–the FileMaker Quick Start Training.

Filemaker knowledge base